Saturday, September 19, 2009

What I've been eating

As a project aimed to increase ecological awareness, we were asked to document a week's worth of meals - where they were cooked and eaten - through photography and a point mapping. When I took the time to actually to really think about where my next meal was going to come from, arrange my food, pause before my eating the food, and pay attention to the waste left behind, I became a lot more sensitive to my food choices, how fast I cooked and ate, how fresh the food was, how far it may have traveled to get to me, and what it means to sit, pause and nourish myself.
It is a beautiful thing that our infrastructural systems are complex to the extent that we are able to eat food from all over the world. It is also equally amazing that eating, such a wonderfully sensuous and delightful activity, is the key to our living, that is, our moving and doing work in the world.
Food = energy.

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